Love Child is open for Acupuncture and Pelvic Floor Therapy appointments.
All practitioners and clients must agree to abide by the guidelines below.
Only one client and practitioner in the studio at a time.
Appointments will be booked every 75 minutes so there is no overlap or waiting.
Clients must book appointments, fill out intake forms and complete payment online.
All clients and practitioners must wear a mask at all times. (Unless a facedown treatment is being performed, in which case the headrest will be changed after each client)
All clients and practitioners must practice social distancing at all times. (Unless the treatment requires physical contact)
All clients and practitioners must follow strict hand-washing and sanitation.
As soon as practitioners and clients enter, they must put all their belongings (shoes as well) in a dedicated bin and head straight to the treatment room. Bins will be disinfected after each use.
Please refrain from touching railings, doors and walls unless necessary.
Please do not bring or leave coffee cups, water bottles or food containers. Think of this as a leave no trace appointment and space. All trash, tissues (as well) must be taken outside with you.
Linens will be changed out after each appointment.
All surfaces including the massage tables, pillows, chairs, door handles and bathroom will be disinfected after each appointment.
Hand soap and disposable paper towels will be provided.